Kostenlose Lieferung ab 100 €
Kostenlose Lieferung ab 100 €
Kostenlose Lieferung ab 100 €
Kostenlose Lieferung ab 100 €


In den letzten Jahren hat sich das Arbeiten von zu Hause aus durchgesetzt. Und das zu Recht: Es ist effizient, man kann seine Work-Life-Balance besser koordinieren und muss sich nicht durch Staus kämpfen. Allerdings gibt es eine wichtige Voraussetzung: Nur mit einem gut gestalteten Arbeitsplatz ist das Arbeiten von zu Hause aus möglich.


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Go for an ergonomic desk for working at home

People often work at home at the kitchen table from a dining room chair. Not a good idea, because a kitchen table is not height-adjustable and causes neck and back problems. In addition, you cannot work standing upright at a dining table either. A must, because alternating sitting and standing ensures better circulation and focus. You should therefore choose an ergonomic sit-stand desk. That way, you can adjust the height to suit your height. There are several types of sit-stand desks available. There are desks with a hand crank that allows you to adjust the height manually. However, the most popular sit-stand desks are electric. This allows you to set the correct height at the push of a button. If your desk is not height-adjustable, choose a sit-stand workstation. You adjust the workstation to the right height so you can work standing up.

Go for an adjustable office chair

An ergonomic office chair for working from home is a must. It ensures better sitting posture and prevents neck and shoulder complaints. A good ergonomic office chair for the home office can be adjusted to suit your body. Some office chairs have more options than others. See if the office chair can be adjusted in these ways: Seat height: You don't want to get hurt when you sit on the chair. The absolute minimum requirement is that you can adjust the chair to your height. Your legs should best form a 90-degree angle. Make sure your feet are firmly on the ground. Armrest: the ideal office chair has short and adjustable armrests that you can adjust in height, width and depth. Wheels: opt for an office chair with five wheels. If you choose less, you compromise on quality and stability. Good ergonomic working equipment is, of course, one thing. In addition, you should keep moving regularly and not sit behind the computer screen all day. Therefore, take a ten-minute break after every hour and change your posture regularly.